[vsnet-outburst 24768] TCP J15305274-0405572: SU UMa star confirmed

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Mar 6 09:14:07 JST 2020

TCP J15305274-0405572: SU UMa star confirmed

   Based on the most recent data (Mar. 4) by Berto Monard,
superhumps with a mean amplitude of 0.21 mag were
confirmed.  The period from this single-night observation
was 0.0601(3) d.

   The short waiting time before the appearance
of ordinary superhumps and the large superhump
amplitude favor an ordinary SU UMa-type dwarf nova
rather than an extreme WZ Sge star despite
the large outburst amplitude.

   More data are required whether this object
may show WZ Sge-type characteristics.

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