[vsnet-outburst 26357] 1RXS J040253.8+435553 superoutburst

Jeremy Shears bunburyobservatory at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 31 18:50:16 JST 2020

A further 5 hours of photometry on 1RXS J040253.8+435553 last night revealed 2 superhumps of amplitude ~0.3 mag (see: https://britastro.org/observations/observation.php?id=20201231_094245_152c541a9aa610a7). Using the CLEANest function in Peranso 3, the superhump period was measured as Psh = 0.0824 d (1.98 h).

Conditions were slightly better than the previous night as the Moon was further away and there was less snow on the ground. It was -5 degC in the observatory.

The ave mag of the system was ~15.5.

Further observations encouraged.


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