[vsnet-outburst 26527] SS Cyg: very bright quiescence or standstill-like stage ?

Mariko Kimura mkimura at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jan 26 17:42:57 JST 2021

SS Cyg: very bright quiescence or standstill-like stage ?

As reported by Isogai-san (vsnet-alert 25209), SS Cyg entered
a precursor outburst ~3 weeks ago, which is a rare event.
The system brightness began dropping but the fading suddenly
Now SS Cyg might show very bright quiescence or standstill-like
stage.  The current magnitude is 10-10.5.
This may be related to the hard X-ray flare detected by Swift/BAT
(ATel #14344).
Further monitoring is encouraged, although it is difficult to
observe it in Japan for a seasonal gap ..

Best Regards,
Mariko Kimura

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