[vsnet-outburst 6482] Notable outbursts in the northern sky

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jun 14 10:29:00 JST 2005

Notable outbursts in the northern sky

   For the benefit of non-CVNET subscribers...

   V1113 Cyg (super?), V503 Cyg (super?), AY Lyr (super?), UV Per (super)
   SU UMa (super?), V587 Lyr (super), IX Dra (?), DI UMa (?) ...

   Perhaps Daisaku-san will make a recommendation on target selection.

Boo CR         12.944          14.6   active
Cam Z          12.962          11.6   standstill
Cep CG         13.012          14.5   Outburst
Cyg EM         13.066          13.0   active
Cyg V1060      13.063          13.7   active
Cyg V1113      13.055          13.8   Outburst
Cyg V1504      13.058          15.6   Outburst
Cyg V503       13.064          13.3   Outburst
Cyg V542       13.056          14.0   active
Cyg V795       13.066          13.5   active
Dra AB         13.011          13.0   active
Dra IX         13.006          15.3   Outburst
Lyr AY         13.033          12.7   Outburst
Lyr CY         13.044          13.8   Outburst
Lyr V587       13.041          15.7:  active
N Aql 05       12.943          11.2
N Aql 05       13.020          11.3
Per TZ         13.023          13.4   active
Per UV         13.022          12.4   active
UMa DI         12.960          15.3   Outburst
UMa ER         12.959          14.5   active
UMa SU         12.949          11.2   active
Vul FY         13.069          14.0   Outburst

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