[vsnet-outburst 6486] HS 2219+1824: rising phase, growing superhumps?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 15 09:25:50 JST 2005

HS 2219+1824: rising phase, growing superhumps?

    The Kyoto team (Kubota et al.) obtained time-series photometry of
HS 2219+1824 on June 13.  The object was still rising at a rate of 0.45
mag/d.  There is evidence of a growing hump-like feature (sometimes with
a double-wave profile).  The full amplitude of the signal was 0.04 mag
(assuming the reported superhump period of 89.05m).

    Further analysis will be reported by Kubota-san or Imada-san.

    We would be happy to receive further time-series observations.
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