[vsnet-outburst 6537] CV Outburst from SXN observations

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jul 10 10:03:59 JST 2005

CV Outburst from SXN observations

  Selected from [vsnet-obs 52284]:

  V630 Cyg: likely a normal outburst
  V792 Cyg, V811 Cyg, Var79 Peg: likely SS Cyg-type objects.

  Other objects are all familiar to CV folks.

CYGEM 050709.2861  12.9  SXN   OUTBURST                      
CYGSS 050709.316  9.2  SXN   ACTIVE                        
CYGV630 050709.3146  15.1  SXN   ACTIVE                        
CYGV792 050709.2896  14.4  SXN   OUTBURST                      
CYGV811 050709.2938  14.1  SXN   ACTIVE                        
HERAH 050709.2167  11.6  SXN   ACTIVE                        
PEGVAR79 050709.3438  14.6  SXN   OUTBURST                      
VULFY 050709.275  14.2  SXN   ACTIVE                        
VULVW 050709.2799  14.8  SXN                                 

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