[vsnet-outburst 6564] Activity Jly 17/18

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jul 18 20:05:27 JST 2005

And IW         18.099          14.2   active
Aql V1663      18.022          14.4   active
Cas AM         18.083          12.9   Outburst
Cep CG         17.997          15.5   active
Cyg EM         18.051          13.2   active
Cyg V1504      18.048          14.9   active
Cyg V516       18.046          13.9   active
Dra EX         17.988          13.0   Outburst
Dra IX         17.987          15.3   Outburst
Her AH         17.967          12.6   active
Her AM         17.983          14.2   brighter
Her AM         18.074          14.3
Lyr CY         18.019          13.4   active
Lyr V344       18.010          14.4   active
Peg IP         18.076          14.2   active
Per TZ         18.088          13.2   active
SN 2005cs      17.951          14.5   active
UMi SS         18.004          14.0   Outburst
Vul FY         18.053          14.3   active
Vul TY         18.028          14.8   active
Vul VW         18.029          15.0   active

Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
gp at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!

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