[vsnet-outburst 6598] activity Aug 10/11

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Aug 11 21:28:20 JST 2005

And AR         11.101          12.1   active
And FO         11.096          16.1   active
And KV         11.103          15.1   active
And RX         11.097          13.7   active
Aql V1663      10.958          15.3   active
Cam Z          10.938          12.1   active
Cas AM         11.085          12.9   Outburst
Cep CG         10.992          15.5   active
Cyg SS         11.058           8.9   active
Cyg V1363      10.967          15.6   active
Cyg V1363      11.029          15.7
Cyg V1363      11.113          15.8
Cyg V516       11.038          13.8   active
Dra AB         10.992          13.0   active
Dra EX         10.984          13.0   active
Her AH         10.968          12.4   active
Lyr V587       11.013          14.9   Outburst
Lyr V587       11.112          14.6
Peg HX         11.073          12.8   active
Per KT         11.106          13.3   active
Psc EI         11.077          12.1   active
SDSS 1730      10.982          15.3   active
SN 2005cs      10.944          14.8   active
Vul FY         11.048          14.2   active

Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
gp at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!

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