[vsnet-outburst 6804] activity Dec 6/7

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Dec 8 03:44:00 JST 2005

And RX         6.991          11.6   active
Cam Z          7.042          12.6   active
Cas AM         6.979          12.8   Outburst
Cas GX         6.972          15.5   active
Cep CG         6.958          14.8   active
Cnc SY         7.088          11.5   active
LMi RZ         7.092          14.2   Outburst
Ori CZ         7.076          13.1   active
Ori V1159      7.074          12.6   active
Per FO         7.019          13.9   Outburst
Per TZ         7.029          13.0   active
Tau V701       6.951          14.9   Outburst
Tau V701       7.069          15.0
UMa ER         7.052          13.1   Outburst

Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
gp at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!

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