[vsnet-outburst 7003] activity Aug 20/21

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Aug 21 23:57:00 JST 2006

Very clear with cloud later.

Aql FO         20.945          14.3   active
Aql KX         20.951          16.1   active* (see below)
Aql KX         21.008         <15.5
Aql KX         21.023         <15.5
Aql KX         21.048         <15.5
Aql KX         21.075         <15.5
Aql UU         20.947          12.1   active
Cyg EM         21.050          12.7   active
Cyg V2362      21.038          12.1   active
Cyg V516       21.039          15.7   active
Dra EX         20.988          13.1   active
Her AH         20.930          13.1   active
Lyr CY         21.019          14.9   active
Lyr V344       21.012          15.5   Outburst
Peg HX         21.066          14.2   active
UMi SS         20.992          13.9   active
Vul FY         21.049          14.0   active
Vul TY         21.026          15.9   Outburst

* KX Aql: No doubt that KX Aql was seen at 16.1 (easy in 
very clear air) but star quickly dissapeared from view after
20 seconds.  Flare?  Large amplitude flicker?  


Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!

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