[vsnet-outburst 7016] HO Del fading rather rapidly

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 28 09:38:43 JST 2006

  HO Del is fading rather rapidly (not so rapid as expected
from the orbital period?).  The apparent lack of superhumps
on Aug. 25 (Nakajima-san) may suggest a normal outburst.
However, since normal outbursts are known to be rare in SU UMa-type
dwarf novae with long recurrence times, further observations
are encouraged to follow the development of the current

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20060820.976  <155  (Gary Poyner)
  20060821.947  <144  (Jose Ripero)
  20060824.941  <144  (Jose Ripero)
  20060825.001  <147  (Gary Poyner)
  20060825.466   142  (Rod Stubbings)
  20060825.611  14.53C  (Kazuhiro Nakajima)
  20060825.919   142  (Jose Ripero)
  20060826.982   149  (Gary Poyner)

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