[vsnet-outburst 7030] Activity Aug 29/30

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Aug 30 21:29:40 JST 2006

And FN         29.978          13.3   Outburst
And LX         29.984          14.0   active
And RX         29.980          11.9   active
Aql FO         29.994          14.3   active
Boo TT         29.906          13.2   active
Cam LU         29.954          14.8   active
Cam LU         30.081          14.8
Cas AM         29.970          12.9   active
Cep CG         29.941          14.9   active
Cyg V1504      30.056          15.8   Outburst
Cyg V516       30.051          13.8   active
Dra AB         29.940          12.8   active
Her AH         29.915          13.0   active
Lyr AY         30.017          14.6   active
Peg HX         30.079          13.1   active
Peg Var79      30.067          14.5   active
Per TZ         29.957          12.7   active
SDSS 2303      30.068          14.2   Outburst
UMi SS         29.934          14.5   active
Vul FY         30.029          14.0   active

Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!

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