[vsnet-outburst 7139] Outbursts 15/10/06

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Sun Oct 15 16:00:43 JST 2006

Outbursts and activity observed tonight.

CMAWZ          061015.650   146  Stu.RASNZ active
CMAHL          061015.649   120  Stu.RASNZ active
ERIAH          061015.705   140  Stu.RASNZ active
HYIWX          061015.682   141  Stu.RASNZ active
ORIV1159       061015.646   127  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PAVGS          061015.612   150  Stu.RASNZ active
PSCAY          061015.609   151  Stu.RASNZ active
PUPBV          061015.689   142  Stu.RASNZ active
PUPBX          061015.689   142  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PUPCL          061015.690   144  Stu.RASNZ active

Rod Stubbings,
Tetoora Observatory,
Tetoora Road,
Vic, Australia 

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