[vsnet-outburst 7202] Bright star in Cas via CBAT

Maciej Reszelski macres at pro.onet.pl
Wed Nov 1 03:55:30 JST 2006

Hi all,

CBET 711 announced possible
outburst of star at:

R.A.= 0h09m21s.81, Decl.= +54o39'43".8, equinox 2000.0

also add
25.538 UT, 10.7; 27.409, 10.5; 30.411, 8.8; 31.469, 7.5.  Tago adds that
a star of mag 11.8 (which did not vary on past images) is located very
close to the new variable's position, for which he identifies GSC

Interesting what a kind of outburst it will be. GCAS or ZAND?

Best regards,

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