[vsnet-outburst 7936] V402 And superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 6 09:37:52 JST 2007

   Maehara-san reports the detection of superhumps in V402 And.
A preliminary analysis of two-night data has yielded a period
of 0.06357(4) d.  This period well reproduce superhump maxima
within 0.002 d, including one detected by Ian Miller
(JD 2454312.602587 +/-0.000088) reported on baavss-alert list on
July 31.  The object was still rising on July 30-31.

   Past period determiniation (2000):
Psh = 0.06339 d, vsnet-campaign-dn 170

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