[vsnet-outburst 7956] MN Dra(= Var73 Dra) superoutburst

Akira Arai arai-akira at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 13 18:03:19 JST 2007

We confiemed the superoutburst of MN Dra(= Var73 Dra)
with 1.5-m KANATA telescope on 07.Aug. 2007.

The amplitudes from its quiescence is about 4 mag.
The light curves shows a superhump profile(V-mag amplitudes ~ 0.2mag)
with a periodicity of ~ 0.1 day.

MN Dra is an "active" SU UMa type dwarf nova with a supercycle of about
60 days (Nogami et al. 2003).From its activity, the source belongs to
between SU UMa type and ER UMa type stars.

We will continue V- and J-band monitoring to search for the color

We update our observation results to a blog
" KANATA obslog & Temporary Results "

Akira Arai and Makoto Uemura,
Hiroshima Univ. Japan.

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