[vsnet-outburst 8061] Re: Possible NSV 1485 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 11 10:25:15 JST 2007

> The poorly studied cataclysmic variable in Camelopardalis NSV 1485 
> appears to be in outburst, as shown by observations with 1.5-m 
> Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150).  The star has brightened by 1-1.5 
> magnitude on the images taken between 02:20-02:40 UT on Sep. 10th, 2007 
> as compared to the previous nights.

   Although the present outburst doesn't look very bright (as of now),
the description clearly indicates that the object deserves more
attention.  Please add this potential short-period system to
everyone's CV monitoring target list!  Time-series photometry is
naturally urgently required when it brightens sufficiently.
(We must, however, drop it from the intensive campaign in the
presence of HS 2331+3905 astonishing outburst!).
VSNET has no further info on NSV 1485.

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