[vsnet-outburst 8069] HS2331+3905 early superhumps and QPO-like modulations

Hiroyuki Maehara maehara at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 12 11:11:32 JST 2007

Dear colleagues,

Jochen Pietz, RIT Observatory Team (Tracy Davis and Michael Richmond), 
Arto Oksanen, KANATA Team, OUS Team (Kenji Takabe) and VSOLJ members 
(Kazuhiro Nakajima, Hiroshi Itoh and Seiichiro Kiyota) kindly sent us 
their time-series data. Kyoto Team also observed this object on Sep. 8
and Sep. 10.

We performed PDM period analysis to the data covering from BJD 2454349.003
to 2454354.165. The best estimated early superhump period is 0.056262 +/-
0.000013 days (81.02 min) which is slightly shorter than the orbital period.

The latest data show early superhumps with an amplitude of 0.3-0.4 mag 
and QPO-like modulations with an amplitude of 0.05-0.1 mag. Period range
of QPO-like modulations is around 3.6-20 min. 

Please keep observing as much as you can!
If you succeed in observing, please report your observations to:
vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Best regards,
Hiroyuki Maehara
VSNET Collaboration Team

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