[vsnet-outburst 8077] Re: [vsnet-alert 9571] V455 And = HS 2331+3905

Gianluca Masi gianluca at bellatrixobservatory.org
Thu Sep 13 22:50:51 JST 2007

Dear Boris,

thank you very much for your message.

I have sent my (two, so far) datasets to both Kyoto and CBA.
As for the AAVSO, I will read their instructions: if they
accept unfiltered data I will be happy to send mine to them
too (I have not being using filters to try to use the
shorter integration time, to 'see' as much oscillations as

Yes: having this outstanding outburst while the star was in
its best position was really great! That was also the case
of WZ Sge during its 2001 unforgettable outburst.

All the best,

> Dear Gianluca et al., 
> its great to see how much coverage this outburst gets! 
> > I managed to put the preliminary curve here:
> Is there some hope that all the data will be merged in one
> place? It looks  as if bits go to three different places
> (CBA, Kyoto, AAVSO) at least. I  saw Michael Koppelmans
> call to deposit all the data with the AAVSO, and  I think
> it's a good idea to have all of it in one place (or more
> than one,  but at least one). 
> Good luck to all of you with the further observations. We
> may get some  more photometry from La Palma later in
> October. What a luck that the star  decided to outburst
> when it is best visible.
> Best wishes, 
> Boris
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> -------------- Dr. Boris Gaensicke                 
> www.warwick.ac.uk/go/BorisGaensicke Assistant Professor   
>                     Boris.Gaensicke at warwick.ac.uk
> Department of Physics University of Warwick
> Coventry CV4 7AL                                Tel: +44
> (0)2476 574741 UK                                         
>     Fax: +44 (0)2476 692016
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> --------------

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