[vsnet-outburst 8230] Re: WX Cet in outburst

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 00:15:48 JST 2007

Was this outburst announced at the time?  If so I appear
to have missed it.    If this is indeed the first announcement, then
this would appear to be the second recent outburst of importance
not to have been reported at the time of detection.

Are these outbursts not now considered important enough
for the rest of us to be alerted to them in good time?


Gary Poyner
garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
"You can always tell a Brummie....but you can't tell him much"!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Agnieszka Majczyna" <agnieszka.majczyna at fuw.edu.pl>
To: <vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 12:29 PM
Subject: [vsnet-outburst 8227] WX Cet in outburst

We observe a continous bightening UG type star WX Cet at the location:
RA=01:17:07 and Dec=-17:56:57.
We observe using the telescope equiped with photo lens and CCD camera. We do
not use any filter, but we translated our instrumental magnitude onto
value in V filter.

object    HJD             mag      observer
CETWX     2454380.882    10.69    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454382.642    10.72    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454384.881    10.69    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454386.639    10.77    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454390.641    10.74    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454392.844    10.65    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454398.725    10.58    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454400.839    10.52    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454402.638    10.75    Pi of the Sky
CETWX     2454404.841    10.41    Pi of the Sky

On behalf of the Pi of the Sky Team:
dr. Agnieszka Majczyna
Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Study
Hoza 69, Warsaw

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