[vsnet-outburst 8239] new dwarf nova in Pisces

Hitoshi YAMAOKA yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Thu Nov 8 23:44:11 JST 2007

Dear all,

  I made a report to the CBAT as below.  H. Yamaoka

     Koichi Itagaki, Yamagata, Japan, reported his discovery (via H.
Yamaoka, Kyushu University) of a new object on the image taken around
Nov. 2.5 UT during his all-sky survey with the 0.21-m refl. + CCD.
The confirmation images taken on Nov. 2.572 UT with 0.50-m F/6 refl.
show that it is mag about 15.8, and the position is: R.A. =
23h11m10s.90, Decl.= +01d30'03".1.  He also detected it on Nov. 4.414
UT at the same brightness, but it was below mag 17.3 on his survey
image taken on Oct. 2 UT.  
     Responding the request for confirmation, K. Kinugasa, Gunma
Astronomical Observatory (GAO), K. Ayani and N. Murakami, Bisei
Astronomical Observatory (BAO), and Yamaoka took low-resolution
spectra of this object taken on Nov. 7.4 UT with the GAO 1.5-m refl.
and on 7.6 UT with the BAO 1.01-m refl..  It shows a smooth blue
continuum and a broad but shallow H-beta absorption is the most
prominent feature.  The H-alpha absorption is less impressive.  Both
of them seem to be filled by the emission core.  These characteristics
suggest that it is a dwarf nova in outburst.

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