[vsnet-outburst 8600] Outbursts 17/02/08

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Mon Feb 18 13:57:48 JST 2008

Outbursts and selected activity.

CARV436        080217.684   144  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV485        080217.671   148  Stu.RASNZ active
CENV803        080217.492   132  Stu.RASNZ active
CHAZ           080217.509   127  Stu.RASNZ eclipse
CHAZ           080217.517   118  Stu.RASNZ active
CRABP          080217.734   140  Stu.RASNZ active
HYAAG          080217.692   150  Stu.RASNZ active
HYAGY          080217.674   152  Stu.RASNZ active
HYIWX          080217.494   142  Stu.RASNZ active
HYIVW          080217.495   135  Stu.RASNZ active
INDTU          080217.746   150  Stu.RASNZ outburst
LEOX           080217.508   123  Stu.RASNZ outburst
NORHP          080217.664   138  Stu.RASNZ outburst
PAVGS          080217.740   143  Stu.RASNZ active
PYXVZ          080217.490   150  Stu.RASNZ rising
PYXVZ          080217.685   143  Stu.RASNZ outburst
SCOV893        080217.706   140  Stu.RASNZ active
SERUZ          080217.728   130  Stu.RASNZ outburst
SGRV730        080217.751   144  Stu.RASNZ outburst
SGRV4641       080217.707   135  Stu.RASNZ
VIRHS          080217.670   149  Stu.RASNZ active
VIRHV          080217.669   126  Stu.RASNZ active
VOLRX          080217.510   150  Stu.RASNZ active

Rod Stubbings,
Tetoora Observatory,
Tetoora Road,
Vic, Australia

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