[vsnet-outburst 8659] Catalina OT: 803041040494145217 (090239.70 +052500.6)

Hiroyuki Maehara maehara at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Mar 4 16:04:31 JST 2008

This Catalina OT seems to be real.
There is a faint (23 mag) SDSS object at the reported position.

SDSS J090239.70+052500.7 umag=23.759 g=23.166 r=23.100 i=23.000 z=22.119
R.A.  09 02 39.70
Decl. +05 25 00.7

Follow-up observations are encouraged.

803041040494145217 2008-03-04T05:44:52 2008-03-04T05:33:43 09 02 39.70 +05 25 00.6 4.320 16.31 16.23 16.28 15.99 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20080304/803041040494145217.html

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