[vsnet-outburst 8765] CR Boo: superoutburst

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 1 19:54:27 JST 2008

CR Boo: superoutburst

We observed CR Boo, whose bright outburst was reported last 
night (by G. Poyner in cvnet-outburst).
We detected superhumps with a period of ~0.017 d, which indicate 
that the current outburst is a superoutburst.
The superhumps were also detected in the J-band.  
They have a similar amplitude, and possible secondary humps 
in the J-band.


It is noteworthy that the V-J color is quite blue (V-J~-0.5). 
This is comparable to the color of WZ Sge stars at supermaximum.

M. Uemura, A. Arai, and M. Sasada
on behalf of the KANATA team
Hiroshima University

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