[vsnet-outburst 8799] OT_J160204.8+031632: new Catalina transient

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 9 10:04:10 JST 2008

OT_J160204.8+031632: new Catalina transient

   This transient seems to be real.

804081040864109871 2008-04-08T10:49:50 2008-04-08T10:25:37 16 02 04.80 +03 16 31.8 4.320 17.53 17.59 17.63 17.63  http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20080408/804081040864109871.html


1	 0.047	16 02 04.80	+03 16 31.8	2	6	J160204.79+031631.7 	  	 	23.420	23.218	22.858	22.491	22.193	240.519989	+03.275493	2003.3221	3
2	0.193	16 02 04.81	+03 16 31.9	1	6	J160204.80+031631.9 	  	 	22.502	22.633	22.809	22.647	21.121	240.520038	+03.275538	2000.3571	3

  g=23.2, u-g=+0.2
    22.6      -0.1

  The relatively blue color again suggests a dwarf nova in outburst.

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