[vsnet-outburst 8841] V844 Her very bright superoutburst continues

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 18 10:09:43 JST 2008

   V844 Her very bright superoutburst continues.

   This object is very similar to SW UMa, which is renowned for its
occasional extremely bright superoutbursts (e.g. 1986 and 1990,
reaching mag 9).  The present outburst of V844 Her may be of the
same kind.  Time-resolved photometry is encouraged since different
photometric behavior may be expected for such a bright outburst.

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20080415.022  <150  (Gary Poyner)
  20080415.340  11.68V  (Robert J. Modic)
  20080415.942   121  (Patrick Schmeer)
  20080415.942   121  (Patrick Schmeer)
  20080416.932   117  (Laurent Bichon)

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