[vsnet-outburst 8910] CSS transient at 101525.92 -020432.2

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat May 3 15:14:03 JST 2008

   This CSS transient is identified with a 2MASS object.  The light curve
also indicates that it is a slow red variable.

805030010554109131 2008-05-03T04:44:03 2008-05-03T04:38:14 10 15 25.92 -02 04 32.2 4.320 15.95 15.95 15.80 15.98  http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20080503/805030010554109131.html

2MASS 101525.926 -020431.81 (2000.0) 14.050 12.866 11.946 

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