[vsnet-outburst 8951] Re: UZ Boo

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun May 11 09:20:03 JST 2008

by Poyner (fwd from baavss-alert)
> A recent AAVSO Newsflash (Price, A., et al., 2005. J. Amer. Assoc. Var. 
> Star Obs., 32, 131.) reports UZ Boo in outburst on May 10.175 UT
> at 13.105V (O'Driscoll).  Can someone please confirm?

by Henden
> Or conversely, the star could
> be one with many, very short, outbursts, usually too faint for the
> visual observers.

   Less likely.

by Nicholson
> I just imaging UZ Boo field and variable was fainter than about 16.5 mag.
> Maybe observer mix it with 13.2 mag nearby?

   Is anyone aware that the current GCVS exactly gives the coordinates
of V=13.16 comparison star as UZ Boo itself?  If the observer uses
popular chart plotting software using updated GCVS, this error should

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