[vsnet-outburst 9161] VY Aqr superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 3 14:25:14 JST 2008

  VY Aqr superhumps:

  Kiyota-san's observation on July 2 showed developed superhumps
with amplitude of ~0.25 mag.  From the observations up to now
(Maehara-san, Kyoto team - Ohshima-san, and Kiyota-san), the object
experienced a precursor outburst on June 30, followed by a shallow dip
and subsequent brightening (as reported by Maehara-san) associated
with growing superhumps.  Further detailed analysis will be presented
by Ohshima-san.

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