[vsnet-outburst 9497] Re: [vsnet-alert 10558] var/Dra

Hiroyuki Maehara maehara at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Oct 7 13:13:56 JST 2008

Dear colleagues,

  We have received time-series data of var/Dar taken on Oct. 6 from 
Kazuhiro Nakajima (Mie, Japan). I also observed the object on Oct. 6.
As reported by Kato-san (vsnet-alert 10560), clear superhumps with an 
amplitude of 0.2-0.3 mag were present.
The best-estimated superhump period by PDM method is 0.0712(2)d, though 
aliases are not completely excluded.

20081006.43002 15.34V   Mhh.VSOLJ
20081006.43248 15.31B   Mhh.VSOLJ
20081006.43094 15.42V   Njh.VSOLJ
20081006.43396 15.35Rc  Njh.VSOLJ
20081006.43698 15.29B   Njh.VSOLJ
Mhh: Hiroyuki Maehara (Kyoto, Japan) 25cmL + ST-7XME + B,V filter
Njh: Kazuhiro Nakajima (Mie, Japan) 25cmSCT + CV-04 + B,V,Rc filter

The object is still in outburst at V=15.3-15.4. Follow-up time-resolved 
observations are strongly encouraged.

Best regards,
Hiroyuki Maehara

On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:21:40PM +0900, Hiroyuki Maehara wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I obtained B and V-band magnitudes of var/Dra (see CBAT Unconfirmed 
> Observations Page) and performed time-series photometry on Oct. 3.
> The object has a B~21mag counterpart in USNO B1.0 catalog.
> object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag      code
> var/Dra        20081003.56390 15.16V   Mhh.VSOLJ
> var/Dra        20081003.56635 15.07B   Mhh.VSOLJ
> The object is blue. Time-series data show superhump-like modulations 
> with an amplitude of 0.2 mag.
> http://www.cetus-net.org/ftp/light_curves/Dra-var-08-20081003.gif
> Follow-up observations are encouraged.
> Best regards,
> Hiroyuki Maehara

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