[vsnet-outburst 9624] V1251 Cyg: increase of the superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Oct 30 10:48:12 JST 2008

V1251 Cyg: increase of the superhump period

   We have received further data from Nakajima-san, Itoh-san, and
Kyoto team (observer: Ohshima-san).  The data now clearly indicate
that the superhump period is increasing.  The period derivative
dot(P)/P = +10(3)*10^(-5).

   According to Maehara-san, the (124) star on the AAVSO chart

GSC3595.1371 214100.48 +484334.1 (2000.0) 12.25 1

is likely a low-amplitude short-period variable.
Avoid using this star as a comparison star (reanalyze and submit
your data if you used this star as a comparison).

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