[vsnet-outburst 9788] OT_J004226.5+421537 (=M31N2008-11b): superhumps and early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Dec 12 10:29:50 JST 2008

OT_J004226.5+421537 (=M31N2008-11b): superhumps and early superhumps

   Maehara-san, Nakajima-san and Kyoto team (observer: Ohshima-san)
have obtained further data.  It is now evident ordinary superhumps
were present in Dec. 10 observations.  The period of superhumps
is 0.0574(3) d, but has a large uncertainty due to the short baseline.
The mean full-amplitudes of the superhumps was 0.23 mag.

   The best period of the early superhumps is 0.05609(3) d.
The candidate superhumps reported in [vsnet-alert 10816] have been
re-identified as persisting early superhumps.
We hope we can improve the statistics as new data become available
and urge further observations!

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