[vsnet-outburst 9795] OT_J030558.6+054715 = CSS081007:030559+054715 brightening (ATEL)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Dec 17 10:56:06 JST 2008
Forgot to forward this. This object (=OT_J030558.6+054715) has
brightened to 14 mag.
Swift detects a large flux increase and a probable period of 1.77
days in the X-ray and UV emission of the nova CSS081007:030559+054715
ATel #1873; A.P. Beardmore, J. P. Osborne, K. Page (University of
Leicester), G.J. Schwarz (West Chester Unversity), S. Starrfield
(Arizona State University), J.-U. Ness (ESAC, ESA)
on 11 Dec 2008; 16:02 UT
Password Certification: Julian P Osborne (julo at star.le.ac.uk)
Subjects: Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Request for Observations, Novae
Swift has continued to monitor the nova CSS081007:030559+054715 (ATEL
#1825, ATEL #1835, ATEL #1847) in the X-ray and UV wavebands. The
Swift-XRT 0.3-10 keV light curve showed a relatively constant count
rate of 0.18-0.21 count/s from 2008-Nov-10 to 2008-Nov-21. Over the
same time interval the Swift-UVOT uvw2 light curve (central
wavelength 1928 A) had a mean magnitude of 14.9, with +/-0.2
magnitude deviations from this value.
Following an 8 day hiatus, daily Swift observations were performed
between 2008-Nov-30 and 2008-Dec-09. The X-ray light curve from this
interval shows a large flux increase and also large amplitude
variations, with the X-ray count rate varying from 0.2 to 2.2
count/s. A Lomb-Scargle periodogram reveals a strong signal at a
frequency of 6.53e-06 Hz, in addition to the odd harmonics of this
frequency. These suggest that a non-sinusoidal modulation with a
period of P=1.77 days is present in the data. An analysis of test
periods using the observed window function gives us further
confidence in the period determination.
When the X-ray light curve is folded at this 1.77 day period we see a
rapid decline (lasting 0.02P) to the minimum count rate level (0.2
count/s) which lasts for approximately 0.15P. Due to limited phase
coverage the duration of the maximum is more uncertain, but could
extend between 0.4 to 0.8 cycles. The modulation is not apparent in a
0.5-1.5 keV / 0.3-0.5 keV hardness ratio.
The X-ray spectrum remains essentially as reported in ATEL #1847, ie
simply a very soft blackbody.
Plots of the Swift 0.3-10 keV X-ray and uvw2 UV light curve, the
periodiogram of the X-ray count rate, and the X-ray count rate folded
at 1.77 days are available at http://www.swift.ac.uk/CSS081007.shtml
Swift-UVOT uvw2 photometry continued from 2008-Nov-30. It also shows
that the source has brightened, and it is also suggestive of a 1.77
day periodicity with a modulation ranging from a magnitude of 14.6 to
14.0 in phase with the X-ray modulation.
We aim to continue Swift observations at a higher cadence over the
next week to constrain the periodicity further. Ground based
photometry is encouraged.
We thank the Swift PI, Neil Gehrels, the Swift science team and the
Swift mission operations team for their support of these
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