[vsnet-outburst 9806] OT_J011613.8+092216 = Catalina transient

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Dec 21 11:07:00 JST 2008

OT_J011613.8+092216 = Catalina transient

  According to Catalina suevry page, this object is likely a CV in outburst.
The blue color in USNO B (in outburst?) supports this classification.

812201090074110332 2008-12-20T07:30:39 2008-12-20T03:58:14 01 16 13.77 +09 22 16.1 4.320 16.14 16.17 16.10 16.12  http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20081220/812201090074110332.html

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