[vsnet-outburst 9876] OT_J071126.0+440405 fading

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jan 8 10:11:52 JST 2009

  According to Arto Oksanen, OT_J071126.0+440405 appears to be fading.
The variation in the pre-eclipse dip, and variation in the accretion
geometry under the varying accretion rate are a prime target for
observation.  Please continue your time-resolved photometry!

(fwd from aavso-discussion)

Dear all,

I am observing the Catalina transient OT_J0711+44 again and it seem to
be fainter than on the previous nights. It seem to be V=17 or so
outside the eclipses. Observations are ongoing.



Arto Oksanen
arto.oksanen at jklsirius.fi
Muurame, Finland

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