[vsnet-rcb 852] Re: V854 Cen Apparent Decline Onset = Remains near maximum + RY Sgr Slow Decline

Peter Williams pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au
Fri Jul 19 20:35:11 JST 2019

Hi All,


Further to my below email, V854 Cen has remained near maximum and not gone
into a deep decline but close monitoring over the coming 2 months may reveal
a decline with the next pulsation cycle.  Recent visual observations:


CENV854              20190713.372     80           WPX

CENV854              20190714.362     77           WPX

CENV854              20190715.385     79           WPX

CENV854              20190716.376     74           WPX

CENV854              20190718.383     76           WPX

CENV854              20190719.390     75           WPX


Ry Sgr has shown a slow decline since mid-June as per the recent visual


SGRRY   20190618.790     62           WPX

SGRRY   20190621.459     64           WPX

SGRRY   20190702.383     67           WPX

SGRRY   20190712.378     68           WPX

SGRRY   20190714.387     70           WPX

SGRRY   20190716.377     70           WPX

SGRRY   20190718.384     74           WPX

SGRRY   20190719.397     75           WPX


If RY Sgr continues to fade, this will be the first such deep decline since
that of 2008 March.


Tks and regards


Peter Williams

Heathcote NSW

10x50mm binoculars 




From: vsnet-rcb [mailto:vsnet-rcb-bounces at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp] On
Behalf Of Peter Williams
Sent: Friday, 12 July 2019 9:03 PM
To: VariableStarsSouth at googlegroups.com
Cc: vsnet rcb <vsnet-rcb at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Subject: [vsnet-rcb 851] V854 Cen Apparent Decline Onset


The RCB star V854 Cen may have commenced to fade as indicated in the below
visual observations.  Continued observation will confirm If this current
fading does develop into a deep decline.  The previous deep decline of V854
Cen commenced in September 2018 and was of just 90 days duration.


STAR                      YYYYMMDD        MAG


CENV854              20190702.377     74           WPX

CENV854              20190710.429     74           WPX

CENV854              20180711.383     76           WPX

CENV854              20190712.374     80           WPX


Tks and regards


Peter Williams (WPX)

Heathcote NSW

10x50mm binoculars

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