[vsnet-recent-dcep 12031] RT Aur recent (cont'd)

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 12 01:41:40 JST 2011

RT Aur recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20030810.040    57  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030816.030    52  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030817.069    55  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030820.050    55  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030823.000    57  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030824.090    56  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030826.958    45  (Slusarenko Vladimir)
  20030903.717    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030905.040    58  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030911.831    56  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030913.731    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030914.712    52  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030916.930    59  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030921.701    61  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030924.140    59  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20030926.708    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20030929.160    60  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031004.110    53  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031008.130    55  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031008.685    59  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031013.040    60  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031014.050    60  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031015.000    53  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031016.169    58  (Bjorn H. Granslo)
  20031018.681    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031019.681    56  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031026.642    54  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031104.631    60  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031106.617    54  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031113.642    54: (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031118.235    56  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031119.233    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031120.237    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031122.262    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20031207.156    58  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20040123.422    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040214.649    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040221.564    58  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040313.508    50  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20040314.528    56  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040315.544    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040320.803  5.38  
  20040331.501    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040408.528    57  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040427.072    56  (Dan Taylor)
  20040915.748    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20040918.030    49  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20041006.674    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20041023.626    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050105.505    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050105.549    59  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050105.644    57  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050107.519    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050107.615    49  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050107.644    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050107.688    49  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050108.403    53  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050108.599    52  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050109.583    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050206.740  4.95  
  20050208.758  5.62  
  20050212.649    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050225.121    51  (Dan Taylor)
  20050313.644    51  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050319.558    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050329.123    59  (Dan Taylor)
  20050404.501    52  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20050414.494    52  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051018.665    52  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051109.651    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20051224.131    48  (Dan Taylor)
  20060128.761    58  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20060207.421    52  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20060219.097    53  (Dan Taylor)
  20060315.415    54  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20060317.424    52  (Kenji Hirosawa)
  20060323.550    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20060325.533    54  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20060326.567    57  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20061014.621    52  (Atsuko Takahashi)
  20061015.708    50  (Atsuko Takahashi)
  20061025.932    50  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061031.041    56  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061103.035    52  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061123.975    59  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061124.965    52  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061126.899    56  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061130.991    56  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061201.963    52  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061208.064    60  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061208.888    59  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061211.933    57  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061214.858    56  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061216.904    55  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061227.044    57  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20061227.825    55  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20070114.877    57  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20070115.974    51  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20070116.828    53  (Stanislaw Swierczynski)
  20070305.812    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20070902.176    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20070910.144    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20070927.193    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20070928.208  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20071009.200  5.35  (Franck Gobet)
  20071011.188  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20071012.199  5.25  (Franck Gobet)
  20071013.206    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20071014.213  5.65  (Franck Gobet)
  20071015.185  4.85  (Franck Gobet)
  20071016.170    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071019.190    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071020.205    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20071021.213    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071023.193    51  (Franck Gobet)
  20071027.158    53  (Franck Gobet)
  20071028.224    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071031.196    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071031.961    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20071102.928    49  (Franck Gobet)
  20071103.238    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20071105.233    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20071105.931  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20071127.823    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071128.239    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071128.843  5.15  (Franck Gobet)
  20071129.599    57  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20071130.560    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20071201.859    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071205.749    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20071208.560    58  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20071210.256    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20071210.849  5.15  (Franck Gobet)
  20071211.233    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071212.838  6.35  (Franck Gobet)
  20071213.239    55  (Franck Gobet)
  20071214.924  5.25  (Franck Gobet)
  20071215.758    50  (Tomohito Ohshima)
  20071216.251    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20071216.833    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071217.245    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20071217.847  4.85  (Franck Gobet)
  20071218.228    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20071218.849  5.45  (Franck Gobet)
  20071219.839    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20071220.213    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20071231.864    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20080101.474    51  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20080106.797    55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080107.823    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20080109.853    55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080110.845    56  (Marian Legutko)
  20080111.802    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20080112.806  5.15  (Franck Gobet)
  20080114.819    57  (Marian Legutko)
  20080114.849    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20080126.853    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20080127.843    51  (Franck Gobet)
  20080131.803    49  (Marian Legutko)
  20080202.797    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20080205.842  5.65  (Franck Gobet)
  20080206.840    58  (Franck Gobet)
  20080208.822    55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080209.760    56  (Marian Legutko)
  20080210.812    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20080211.835    51  (Franck Gobet)
  20080212.842  5.65  (Franck Gobet)
  20080217.813  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080222.822  5.15  (Franck Gobet)
  20080224.831    57  (Marian Legutko)
  20080225.815    53  (Marian Legutko)
  20080225.832  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080226.810    49  (Marian Legutko)
  20080305.851    54  (Franck Gobet)
  20080309.810    53  (Marian Legutko)
  20080318.829  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20080328.835  5.45  (Franck Gobet)
  20080404.832    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20080928.174  5.65  (Franck Gobet)
  20080928.190    57  (Franck Gobet)
  20081003.203    49  (Franck Gobet)
  20081004.207    51  (Franck Gobet)
  20081005.215  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20081010.194  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20081017.172  5.65  (Franck Gobet)
  20081019.197    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20081020.188  5.25  (Franck Gobet)
  20081025.217    52  (Franck Gobet)
  20081026.188    50  (Franck Gobet)
  20081031.237    56  (Franck Gobet)
  20081104.242  5.55  (Franck Gobet)
  20081120.596    51  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20081121.828   50C  (Yasunori Watanabe)
  20091025.2056   56  (Patrick Abbott)
  20091124.826    51  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20091223.467    57  
  20091228.460    48  
  20100128.781    56  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100130.735    53  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100204.878    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100205.743    60  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100206.760    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100210.735    57  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100210.860    55  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100211.750    53  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100211.812    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100221.732    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100306.826    55  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100312.764    53  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100314.788    57  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100319.833    60  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100321.826    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100329.812    60  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100331.822    52  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100401.860    56  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100407.865    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100414.860    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100418.909    55  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100421.885    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100505.913    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100509.913    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20100510.903    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110123.816    50  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110126.715    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110127.729    51  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110130.819    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110218.806    52  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110219.764    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110220.812    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110223.764    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110305.830    52  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110306.822    55  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110307.906    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110308.822    59  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110309.808    50  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110315.857    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110316.802    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110319.885    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110321.819    54  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110322.826    56  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110323.843    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110404.833    52  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110407.843    58  (Thomas Karlsson)
  20110408.854    51  (Thomas Karlsson)

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