[vsnet-recent-rscvn 4256] V492 Per recent (cont'd)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Mar 2 16:55:42 JST 2011

V492 Per recent (cont'd)

  For general info see:

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20100831.719  6.37V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20100903.717  6.32V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20100904.762  6.42V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20100910.696  6.38V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20100917.740  6.42V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20100918.767  6.45V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101006.672  6.41V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101010.686  6.48V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101101.610  6.38V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101115.6799 6.36V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101126.6314 6.30V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101128.6363 6.36V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101201.6358 6.42V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101203.520  6.44V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101204.6241 6.40V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101205.6058 6.42V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101210.518  6.46V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101223.5641 6.40V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101226.5522 6.43V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20101229.477  6.45V  (Kazuyoshi Imamura)
  20101229.5523 6.38V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20110108.5316 6.37V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)
  20110110.5199 6.44V  (Kyoto Wide-field Survey)

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