[vsnet-recent 126245] BI Ori recent (cont'd)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Nov 16 11:28:07 JST 2006
BI Ori recent (cont'd)
For general info see:
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20030201.467 148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030201.960 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20030202.847 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20030202.853 144 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030206.143 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20030208.210 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20030208.471 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030210.488 <143 (Rod Stubbings)
20030211.113 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20030214.094 <143 (Dan Taylor)
20030216.108 <147 (Dan Taylor)
20030219.433 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030220.808 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20030221.101 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20030222.863 146 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030223.449 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20030223.826 145 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030224.074 144 (Dan Taylor)
20030224.083 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20030224.789 146 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030225.797 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030226.789 147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030227.773 <144 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030227.818 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20030301.496 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030303.106 <147 (Dan Taylor)
20030303.112 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20030305.487 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030306.464 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030306.825 <144 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030307.018 132 (Dan Taylor)
20030307.771 <144 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030308.810 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20030309.833 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20030309.844 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20030310.037 <147 (Dan Taylor)
20030310.099 146: (Mike Simonsen)
20030311.026 146 (Dan Taylor)
20030311.125 143 (Mike Simonsen)
20030314.037 <143 (Dan Taylor)
20030315.061 <143 (Dan Taylor)
20030316.074 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20030316.094 <138 (Dan Taylor)
20030319.820 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20030320.816 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20030322.807 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030323.407 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030323.781 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030324.085 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20030324.412 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030324.785 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20030325.416 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030329.440 148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030331.406 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030403.410 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030405.410 <148 (Rod Stubbings)
20030410.053 <136 (Dan Taylor)
20030419.380 144 (Rod Stubbings)
20030420.380 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20030422.394 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20030920.354 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20030921.332 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20031007.403 <153 (Mike Simonsen)
20031008.385 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20031009.169 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20031029.402 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20031029.631 153 (Rod Stubbings)
20031104.092 <142 (Hazel McGee)
20031107.358 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20031109.331 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20031113.537 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031114.567 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031116.521 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031118.589 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031120.342 <153 (Mike Simonsen)
20031120.344 <150 (Dan Taylor)
20031123.507 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031124.522 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20031125.515 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031126.519 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031127.239 <153 (Mike Simonsen)
20031127.516 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031128.019 <142 (Hazel McGee)
20031128.540 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20031203.044 <143 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20031203.185 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20031206.291 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20040101.208 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20040101.522 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20040102.928 <142 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040111.114 <143 (Dan Taylor)
20040111.902 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040112.490 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040112.849 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040113.816 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040114.510 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040114.944 <143 (Hazel McGee)
20040115.869 <142 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040116.106 <155 (Dan Taylor)
20040116.944 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040117.999 <147 (Hazel McGee)
20040118.474 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040118.923 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040119.057 <153 (Dan Taylor)
20040120.149 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040120.881 <142 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040120.947 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040121.925 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040123.117 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040124.810 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040124.901 <144 (Hazel McGee)
20040125.158 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040128.931 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040129.870 <143 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040130.163 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20040208.125 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20040208.803 <143 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040209.103 <150 (Dan Taylor)
20040209.481 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20040209.800 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040210.947 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040211.016 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040211.835 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20040212.510 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040212.845 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040213.526 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20040213.828 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040214.824 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040215.824 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040216.126 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20040216.494 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20040217.499 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20040217.793 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040218.126 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20040218.488 <157 (Rod Stubbings)
20040219.485 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040219.823 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040220.838 <143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20040223.017 <155 (Dan Taylor)
20040223.051 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040223.488 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040223.846 <143 (Hazel McGee)
20040224.812 <138 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20040225.127 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20040225.503 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20040226.810 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040227.819 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040228.131 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040301.498 <140 (Rod Stubbings)
20040302.474 <140 (Rod Stubbings)
20040310.106 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040311.422 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20040312.462 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20040314.040 149 (Dan Taylor)
20040314.831 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040315.438 <154 (Rod Stubbings)
20040317.785 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20040318.447 <157 (Rod Stubbings)
20040320.819 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20040321.069 <144 (Dan Taylor)
20040321.433 <156 (Rod Stubbings)
20040321.851 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20040322.435 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20040325.512 <152 (Andrew Pearce)
20040405.069 <138 (Mike Simonsen)
20040406.039 <150 (Dan Taylor)
20040406.069 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20040408.412 <143 (Rod Stubbings)
20040412.408 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20040509.369 <143 (Rod Stubbings)
20040826.801 <150 (Rod Stubbings)
20040916.158 <143 (Hazel McGee)
20040920.339 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20040922.353 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20041009.726 158 (Rod Stubbings)
20041010.373 146 (Dan Taylor)
20041015.583 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20041018.644 <157 (Rod Stubbings)
20041105.420 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20041106.265 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20041107.234 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20041108.312 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20041109.308 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20041112.842 156C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20041120.774 <147 (Yutaka Maeda)
20041120.904 143 (Eddy Muyllaert)
20041205.740 <143 (Yutaka Maeda)
20041208.969 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20041211.910 145 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20041213.694 <138 (Yutaka Maeda)
20041215.494 <155 (Rod Stubbings)
20041217.960 <136 (Jose Ripero)
20041230.878 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050101.663 <143 (Yutaka Maeda)
20050101.949 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050101.972 155 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050102.944 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050104.972 <160 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050105.956 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050107.959 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050109.894 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20050110.894 <165 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050111.906 <165 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050115.167 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20050117.587 <138 (Yutaka Maeda)
20050118.952 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20050128.082 146 (Mike Simonsen)
20050205.696 154:C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20050206.087 <155 (Dan Taylor)
20050206.833 <160 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050209.836 <165 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050211.585 <144 (Yutaka Maeda)
20050211.631 159C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20050211.809 171 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050213.131 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20050214.838 <170 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050216.840 <165 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050218.836 <165 (Carlo Gualdoni)
20050301.590 152C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20050304.082 <155 (Dan Taylor)
20050304.112 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20050306.090 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20050329.092 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20050404.073 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20050905.363 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20050913.742 150 (Rod Stubbings)
20051025.550 143 (Rod Stubbings)
20051026.692 142 (Rod Stubbings)
20051101.060 <147 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20051102.067 <152 (Pavol A. Dubovsky)
20051106.640 <138 (Yutaka Maeda)
20051111.288 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20051112.381 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20051118.705 14.53V (Carlo Gualdoni)
20051123.315 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20051123.589 <138 (Yutaka Maeda)
20051207.674 146 (Rod Stubbings)
20051209.631 144 (Andrew Pearce)
20060102.919 <138 (Jose Ripero)
20060115.229 <135 (Dan Taylor)
20060119.941 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20060126.169 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20060127.216 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20060127.821 <143 (Jose Ripero)
20060201.176 <147 (Mike Simonsen)
20060212.578 <138 (Yutaka Maeda)
20060223.533 151 (Rod Stubbings)
20060226.476 149 (Rod Stubbings)
20060227.465 157 (Rod Stubbings)
20060302.480 <157 (Rod Stubbings)
20060304.066 <160 (Dan Taylor)
20060307.151 <144 (Mike Simonsen)
20060316.086 144 (Mike Simonsen)
20060318.135 <143 (Mike Simonsen)
20060319.095 <153 (Dan Taylor)
20060322.104 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20060327.111 <150 (Mike Simonsen)
20060409.071 141 (Mike Simonsen)
20061020.733 <144 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061020.792 154C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20061025.578 148 (Rod Stubbings)
20061025.692 <147 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061027.769 <147 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061030.628 <122 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061031.658 <143 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061102.669 <143 (Yutaka Maeda)
20061103.863 <155C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20061113.499 147 (Rod Stubbings)
20061115.576 148 (Rod Stubbings)
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