Dear colleagues,


I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of TCP J06461075+2502415, obtained on Mar 24/25, 2023 at CBA Extremadura Observatory (Spain), using a 0.40-m f/5.1 telescope and SX-46 CCD camera under moderate skies. I have been observing this object for multiple nights since its discovery announcement on Mar 14, 2023 by Yuji Nakamura. On all previous nights, no obvious modulations were visible in the light curve. TCP J06461075+2502415 finally started showing superhumps on Mar 24/25, 2023.


The superhumps have an amplitude of 0.26 mag. A period analysis using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle, Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0), yields a combined superhump period of 0.0592 +/- 0.0012d. The object was at mag CV = 16.0 on Mar 24th.


The superhump profile shows no signs of a double-waved pattern, but the large outburst amplitude, combined with the long time for superhumps to develop (approx. 10 days) are strong signatures of a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. Follow-up observations are recommended to further track the evolution of the superhumps.


I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.


Best regards





Tonny Vanmunster

CBA Belgium Observatory

CBA Extremadura Observatory


PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software