ASAS-SN light curve of V374 Ori
I'm not aware of a CV with M1 secondary and (claimed)
WD visible. Too faint in SDSS u and it does not look like that
the continuum is from a WD.
Indeed, Brian further checked and sent this note:
"I notice that the GAIA DR3 dpectra are shown in a
reasonable way in VizieR. Looking at V374 Ori suggests this is an
ordinary Orion T-Tauri star with no hot component. I have seen in
the past, specifically in the original Kepler field, that
occasionally the LAMOST spectrum is simply wrong for some star, as
though there was a bookkeeping error in the ID such that the
spectrum applies to some other star than the one indicated. I did
not see other cases like that in the Orion region, but perhaps
this is a rare one.
Gaia spectrum shows something like M4 or M5 with
at least H-alpha emission."
Actually while importing the LAMOST CVs from
2020AJ....159...43H and 2021ApJS..257...65S to VSX, I noticed a
number of them that are too red to be CVs. V0374 Ori is just one
of them...
Sebastian Otero
VSX Team
American Association of Variable Star Observers
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