TCP J14225968+4122545: possible WZ Sge-type dwarf nova
Large amplitude outburst of 8 mag. Possible WZ Sge-type dwarf nova.
CBAT: TCP J14225968+4122545 2022 05 09.8119* 14 22 59.68 +41 22 54.5 12.8 C Boo R 9
2022 05 09.8119 Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Mi Zhang, Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Quanzhi Ye (UMd), Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report the discovery of an UG candidate (12.8 CV) on several 60-s survey images (limit mag about 18.5 CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”3 (N88) around 2022 May. 09.81186 UTC using unfiltered CCD and PAT telescope (0.3-m f/3.6 reflector). The source is approximately located at RA= 14h22m59.68s,DEC = +41d22m54.5s (equinox 2000.0), appears to correspond to object Gaia EDR3 1491978283221972224 (G=20.87) in the Gaia EDR3. Details can be found at:
IDs: 142259.693 +412254.310 Gaia_DR2_1491978283221972224 Plx=1.6097(1.3294) dismod=9.0 pmRA=-6.119(2.076) pmDE=-8.789(1.912) G=20.9233(0.0154) BP-RP=0.4118 E(g-r)=0.000 E(B-V)=0.000 Ag=0.000 Ar=0.000 Ai=0.000 142259.702 +412254.455 Gaia_EDR3_1491978283221972224 Plx=1.8528(1.219) dismod=8.7 PM=11.437 pmRA=-6.603(1.48) pmDE=-9.338(1.769) G=20.8731(0.011757) BP-RP=0.258472 E(g-r)=0.000 E(B-V)=0.000 Ag=0.000 Ar=0.000 Ai=0.000 142259.692 +412254.323 PS1_DR1_157652157486948733 g=20.862(0.0386) r=20.8495(0.0349) i=21.0795(0.0404) z=21.1269(0.0794) y=--(--) 142259.704 +412254.404 PS1_DR2_157652157486948733 g=20.8563(0.02203) r=20.9597(0.024062) i=21.1843(0.021126) z=21.2248(0.051955) y=21.5224(0.1888) 142259.699 +412254.494 SDSSJ142259.69+412254.4 ObsDate=2003.2259 u=20.872(20.872) g=20.857(0.031) r=20.912(0.047) i=21.115(0.073) z=21.516(0.361) 142259.682 +412254.998 GALEXJ142259.6+412254 FUV=--(--) NUV=21.3308(0.2836)
MPChecker: NO DATA
ASAS-SN Sky Patrol:
TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220418.411 19.218o ATF TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220421.164 <17.771g ASN TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220422.146 <17.732g ASN TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220506.112 <16.962g ASN TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220508.115 <16.939g ASN TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220509.812 12.8C (Xingming Observatory) TCPJ14225968+4122545 20220510.378 13.651o ATF