TCP J19212834-3058481 = BraTS-SON-T2-039 (UG:/N:) (submitted to VSX)
Discovery circumstances:
Complete ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) light curve and data: TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220804.2817 <16.70g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.1694 16.34g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.1707 16.44g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.1719 16.24g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.2729 15.73g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.2741 15.81g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220805.2754 15.95g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220806.1698 15.41g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220806.1710 15.26g ASN TCPJ19212834-3058481 20220806.1723 15.26g ASN
In the Pan-STARRS1 i-band image, there is a faint object 1.7" SW of the transient that looks like a (spiral) galaxy.
Spectroscopy and multiband as well as time-resolved photometry are required.
Clear skies, Patrick