Hi Koichi,
i send you a part of my SN2024gy - NGC4216 dataset from last night. We have data from 2024-01-10_03-45-49 - 2024-01-10_05-58-14. Our Observatory is located at the coordinates 52:40:44N / 13:34:24O -Bernau b Berlin. You can download my data (400mb) wetransfer.com ... The link is https://we.tl/t-LVaLeX4t7C
- Included in this set, 5 five calibrated lights (.fits)
- stack from all 40x180" crop (.xisf)
- my version
- AstroImageJ Image Dislay measurement 
My Setup for Imaging:
- RASA 11" f2.2
- QHY 268M
SN2024gy - mag 13.451 AstroImageJ
Greedings from Germany
Nico Geisler