Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
ma name is Markus Kohl and I live in Hauzenberg (Germany).
I have three observations of the Supernova recorded with a Skywatcher Esprit 150 and ZWO ASI 071 camera.
1.) 2024.01.09 processed in greyscale, 13.7mag (55x120s), 03:43-05:54 MEZ
2.) 2024.01.21 processed in greyscale, 12.8mag (30x120s), 02:25-03:25 MEZ
3.) Spectrum 2024.01.22 with a Shelyak Alpy 600, Skywatcher Esprit 150, ZWO ASI 071, 6x600s, Processed in RSpec
Maybe my pictures will be useful.
Kind regards
Markus Kohl