Obs. :
Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr. : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, SSP-3 Solid-State Photometer with
Johnson B or V-filter or Cousins I-filter
e-mail : aavso.id.bve@home.nl
all used sequences: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
star date [UT] magn. Obs Remarks
---------- -------------- -------- --- -------
20230207.8397 4.395V BVE ±0.007
CASrho 20230207.8401 5.601B BVE ±0.013
CASrho 20230207.8405 3.138I BVE ±0.002
AURepsilon 20230207.8799 3.006V BVE ±0.008
AURepsilon 20230207.8803 3.565B BVE ±0.006
ORIalfa 20230207.9107 0.502V BVE ±0.008
ORIalfa 20230207.9111 2.329B BVE ±0.004
---------- -------------- -------- --- -------