[Vsnet-alert 8388] 3C454.3 unprecedented outburst, confirmation and multicolor observation

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu May 12 09:27:14 JST 2005

[Though individual data should be directed to vsnet-obs (likely in prep.),
this confirmatory observation of this unprecedented event will be of emergent
value to all interested.]

CCD magnitude estimates by VSOLJ members

object         YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  code
3C454.3        20050510.78047 12.47V  Njh.VSOLJ
3C454.3        20050510.78138 11.31Ic  Njh.VSOLJ
3C454.3        20050510.78227 11.96Rc  Njh.VSOLJ
3C454.3        20050510.78316 13.13B  Njh.VSOLJ

Observer's code:
  Njh: Kazuhiro Nakajima(Mie Japan)
       instruments: 25cmSC(F-5) + CV04 + V,Ic,Rc,B, filter

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