[vsnet-alert 8821] Possible dwarf nova (nova?) in Hya: ASAS 102522-1542.4

Grzegorz Pojmanski gp at astrouw.edu.pl
Fri Jan 27 18:38:11 JST 2006

Possible dwarf nova (nova?) in Hya: ASAS 102522-1542.4

Grzegorz Pojmanski, Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory reports:

ASAS3V instrument of The All Sky Automated Survey (telephoto lens 200/2.8,
diameter 70mm + CCD + Johnsons V  filter, 3 minute exposures, pixel size
14.8 arcsec, rms astrometric accuracy - 4  arcsec)

has detected outburst of an previously unobserved by ASAS object 
(dwarf nova, nova?) at RA = 10h 25m 22s  DEC = -15d 42'.4 

One USNO_B1 star is located close to this position:
#          id|           RA|          DEC|    B1|    R1|    B2|    R2|    I2|
 0742-0227702 10:25:22.2433 -15:42:22.030  19.32  18.95  19.12  19.10  18.75 

A faint object is also visible at this position in DSS image, but nothing 
in 2MASS and ROSAT images.

    DATE      UT                       HJD      V
23/01/2006 06:14:34 (Jan 23.260) 2453758.7642  < 14 
26/01/2006 05:52:10 (Jan 26.245) 2453761.7488 12.219 
27/01/2006 08:17:09 (Jan 27.346) 2453762.8496 12.476 
27/01/2006 08:22:06 (Jan 27.349) 2453762.8530 12.492 
27/01/2006 08:26:48 (Jan 27.352) 2453762.8563 12.469 

Object was below detection limit on the ASAS3I I-filter images 
taken on 25/01/2006 05:47:39 UT, but is easily visible on images
taken on 27/01/2006 07:21:54 UT.

Light curve and images can be found on

Grzegorz Pojmanski

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