[vsnet-alert 11256] Re: interesting candidate on CBAT's "unconfirmed object's" page

Alexandre Amorim costeira1 at yahoo.com
Fri May 22 03:06:47 JST 2009

  Think about it, John. In May 17-18 I did a tour through a lot of galaxies between Leo, Coma and Virgo. I thought pass to M64, M94 and M51, but these objects are at low altitude to me (up to 25 degrees).

  []s do Alex!

********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
*        Estacao  Costeira1          *
*         Florianopolis/SC           *
*    email: costeira1 at yahoo.com      *
* http://costeira1.astrodatabase.net *

--- Em qui, 21/5/09, kstars at Safe-mail.net <kstars at Safe-mail.net> escreveu:

> De: kstars at Safe-mail.net <kstars at Safe-mail.net>
> Assunto: [vsnet-alert 11255] interesting candidate on CBAT's "unconfirmed object's" page
> Para: vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
> Data: Quinta-feira, 21 de Maio de 2009, 14:58
> Current bottom entry.
> Mind you, unconfirmed at 19.1 and it's now at 21.8 ish
> without confirmation, don't seem likely...  But ya
> never know.
> Cheers
> John

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