[vsnet-alert 16920] MisV1341 rapid brightening

Seiichi Yoshida comet at aerith.net
Sun Feb 16 00:33:21 JST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Tsutomu Fujiwara's observations detected the rapid brightening of
MisV1341 up to 11.5 mag in February, although it kept almost constant
at 12.3 mag for over one year from 2012 Novembet to 2014 January.


MisV1341 is at R.A. 22h08m15s.48, Decl. +48o26'12".9 (2000.0). It is
probably an semi-regular red variable. But the current brightening
seems rapid, and it is brightest now in its history. So maybe it is
worth for an alert.

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida
comet at aerith.net

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